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Taiwan, China
Sản Phẩm chính: Tường màu xanh lá cây, Màu Xanh Lá Cây Mái Nhà, Hệ Thống Thoát Nước Hội Đồng Quản Trị, Hệ Thống Thoát Nước Tốt, Viền


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Thông Tin cơ bản
BUSINESS PHILOSOPHYCustomer-first,without compromise. Your problem is our problem. This mindset gives us an idea to provide turnkey solution services to our clients,providing product development,manufacture,and packaging to make production easy.P.S.We are also specialist in producing landscape and gardening material our the other brand is well known as "Bin Fen"OUR ADVANTAGETURNKEY SOLUTIONWe can customize towards your needs, providing one shop services from product design, mold development, mass production, and packaging.TECHNICAL CONSULTATIONAssist product development from OEM to ODM. With years of experience and advance 3D printing technology, we can identify problems in the early stage of designing, saving time and unnecessary costs for you.COST ADVANTAGEWith years of experience in the industry, we have a list of alliance companies ranging from different finished products to shipping services. We can help identify and negotiate a reasonable price for you.QUALITY ASSURANCEQuality is fundamental to our business. We pay serious attention to perfect it. Every production is examined over and over from start to finish. Quality check is also done on all alliances parts to ensure the best quality for your finished product.QUALITY ASSURANCEIQC INCOMING QUALITY CONTROLQuality check is done first upon arrival of raw material and parts provided by alliance company.IPQC IN-PROCESS QUALITY CONTROLQuality check is done throughout the production from start to finish with our client's quality standard.PQC PROCESS QUALITY CONTROLAccording to the inspection specifications, random inspections or full inspections are carried out for semi-finished products or parts to be assembled to prevent defective products from entering the next stage.OQC OUTGOING QUALITY CONTROLBefore the product is shipped, inspections are carry out to ensure the product's quality and that the packaging method can safely deliver the client's finished product.
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Quốc gia / Khu vực
Taiwan, China
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